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Erva Tool & Die

Erva Purple Martin Decoy with Spring Clip

Erva Purple Martin Decoy with Spring Clip

Regular price $25.99
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Entice martins to explore the housing you've placed for them by attaching this Erva Purple Martin Decoy with Spring Clip to it. These birds prefer to live in colonies, so adding a few decoys to new housing can often aid in attracting them to it. This convenient, plastic figure perfectly mimics a martin's body shape and size, complete with the characteristic, split tail. Remarkable detail showcases individual feather shapes, and a light purple sheen above the gray body forms a realistic decoy. A bottom, metal spring clip attaches to the perch rod, porch rail, or door frame of your existing martin house with ease, and the item is simple to move regularly for even more realism. Invite martins to colonize in your yard with help from this Purple Martin Decoy with Spring Clip.

Dimensions: 6.25"L x 2"W x 3"H
Mounting: clip onto existing martin house
Construction: plastic, metal
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